Transfers will only be accepted up to the 16th November (1 week prior to the event)
You will receive an e-mail requesting details should you wish to transfer your place to another person. Only those e-mails that are returned to sender with ALL the details filled out will be eligible for transfer. Requests for transfers after 16th November will be at the administrator's discretion.
Only transfers made this way will be accepted.
No runner is permitted to run with someone else's number unless they have had the number transferred before the event.
If you find that you can't run and don't wish to or aren't able to transfer your entry, you may wish to donate this to charity. If so we would be grateful if you would let us know so that we may make your place available to a runner who is on the waiting list (was too late to enter)
Unfortunately, we are unable to allow people to defer to the following year.